Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Burst Open – Rina fanfic - Infinite Universes
Title: Infinite Universes
Fandom: Fringe
Character / Pairing: Olivia / Peter
Disclaimer: They do not belong to me, this story has come entirely from my imagination.
Warnings / Rating: SPOILERS until the last chapter of Fringe.
Summary: " I know this is gonna sound crazy, But I just saw a woman disappear in front of my eyes. Her Name Was Olivia. She has a message for you. She's trapped in the universe Other. " After receiving the call that Peter does not know what to think or how to act. Must decide whether to re
Monday, November 29, 2010
Barska 25-125x88 Wp Benchmark Blog
Over the past spoilers that have come here
guess on to say, but SPOILERS Cathedral
OUR OLIVIA IS TRAPPED ON THE OTHER SIDE! Which is just one of the Reasons this Thursday's episode ranks right up there with the best of the series. Other Reasons include the welcome return of our favorite old-timey sensory deprivation chamber, Cortexiphan, a crisis of conscience, a needle, multiple standoffs, to kiss and MOST importantly of all, a shocking death! No really, one of the characters Pictured Above will bite the dust in pretty much the MOST horrifying of way imaginable.
Edit to add: At the option of the kiss, Lincoln / (alt) Olivia is basically OUR Lincoln and Olivia (the other does not deserve a kiss, but a slap). I explained very well in the option, sorry: D
Yyyy ---------- well, you bet? What is that horrible way to die? What about the needles? (I would say it is related to Cortexiphan. Or maybe the horrible death is to be pierced by a million needles as a pincushion, namely)
and kiss. DISCUSS THE KISS. Peter / Olivia is the most possible, would Y / Y? BUT DO NOT KNOW IF YOU WANT THE TAKING INTO ACCOUNT OF PETER AGILIPOLLAMIENTO. I will not say what I want to because ... good. I'm too obvious.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dry Before Menstruation
^___^ I hope you enjoy
Title: Windows of Opportunity. (Chapter 5)
Author: Marion S. Lee
Fandom: Fringe
Status: For complete (8 of 9)
Raiting: Not rated yet. But not going to end PG, come on. This particular
R Spoilers: Until the end of the second season.
Extension: 4496 approx.
Al fic here
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Vivitek Projector Coupon 1/2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Best Shaving Machine For Men
And if some shippeais Lincoln with someone ... ;) Better listen / leed under the cut.
Link to the source.
I play the leader of the Division No Fringe in the AU. An explosion, but there is a special technology in the Other Side that can heal wounds. As smallrobots that penetrate the skin and repair cells. Heal burns, and I'm getting better every week. Yes that's what the scars are, is where I got burned. The last time you see me I'm completely covered with scars, I'm regenerating. They put me in a camera to these gases that cured me from within.
Massive Dynamic Did you create that technology?
tell you the truth, I do not know who created it. It is a different string of technological advancement.
What can we expect from Lincoln this year? (Seth thinks the answer.) Lincoln is jefand Bolivia and Scarlie, right?
Yes, exactly. I'm under Broyles on this side, but I'm the team leader Fringe. I am very serious, very sharp, very insightful. Is the boy who discovers things. He is very intelligent, but not the strongest team, uses his wits to know what is going on.
Trying to figure out how to bring back Bolivia?
Well, there's a complex story. We still think we have at our Olivia, we know that Bolivia is elsewhere. There is a conspiracy intense on both sides.
Vale ... we can not talkthereof.
Probably not. And I think that probably should not have said that ...
Well I wonder, then take it off. Okay, well I heard that Scarlie is like the joker and annoyed.
This is Kirk. It plays himself.
Do you get along?
Oh, yes, of course. It's incredible. When you act in a new series, especially with a new character you care, you have chemistry with people if you're not going to get along with them, but the good thing is that we get along well, and I Kirk We had a great time and we take that scene.HTMLXC is complicated ... parallels are literally a physical reality where we live and based on our point of view, there are good and bad. But if you really understand the full picture, what is happening in reality and see things from the point of view of someone else, find themselves working in the best interests and that can sometimes lead to conflict and misunderstanding . In the end the fans are the ones to decide ... and writers.
Note: I hope I have put the tags correctly ... is my first post in the community.
Monday, September 20, 2010
C And C Cages For Rabbits Fic: Windows of opportunity - Chapter 2 (Peter / Olivia)
^___^ I hope you enjoy
Title: Windows of Opportunity. (Chapter 2)
Author: Marion S. Lee
Fandom: Fringe
Status: On completion (5 to 8-9)
Raiting: Not rated yet. But not going to end PG, come on.
Spoilers: Until the end of the second season. Extension
: 5,100 approx.
Al fic here
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Yamaha Receiver Multi Zone Hdmi danibpin @ 2010-01-13T10: 51:00
Highlander: "In the end only be one"
lies Tessa sitting on the floor, shaking his body artistically in the kneading of the clay on the turntable. His hands lost in his eternal companion, malleable clay to tightenay spreads to create immortality. Scarcely enough to discover areas of bare skin on his arms as wet and dry layers of gray clay have caught without wanting to leave.
Duncan immortalizes this warm scene one will ever head to remember. Slowly approaches the body sweats to mix masculine female breast with humidity of your back. Her cheeks rub in soft caresses, while his arms reach from atrásy envelop you in romantic embrace. You can smell the scent of your love, enjoying a delicious mouthful of flavor of passion. As these loops are entangled with Tessa clear itMacLeod extended Llosa. Sparkling flashes are observed surrounding the scene, while discovering the sounds of thunder high currents in the skin on contact. That magical sensual aesthetics only possible between a tank top and flannel released.
Tessa and Duncan, Duncan and Tessa immortal love as there is no par. The real "The Ghatering" in which only one will end.
parked Bergantil The Notre Dame de Paris on Quai de la Tournette CH TMLXC whose waters bear the heavy Parisian "the gathering" between Duncan and Tessa Inside swords meeting heard frantic, banging and licking together again and again. Recreate sounds very intense game, screaming their dangerous edge trying to break the opponent's defense, beads of sweat sliding down the furs fighters, shouting that sigh discover that the accurate weapons have reached more than one occasion No purpose. Panting bodies of a sweaty struggle, tenacity and dedication between two great warriors who do not succumb to the first successes. It really is a battle between two giants, the passage of timedepletion should decrease the candor of the fight does not make a dent. No rest, the symphony tunes continúaa sometimes accompanied by voices, breaths and cracking of metal, strong and scandalous, as competing to be heard, in some instances a single solitary sword play their symphony a royal.
intense heat of battle is evident in steamy windows that draw in different colors as if a being pegase his mouth open and breathe hard on them. Or maybe one of those Lakota sweat lodges heat whose red stones are sprinkled a little water and emanan steam shrouding everything.
Want To Be Incontinent The only generation: Lovers
I went home as usual on Saturday. His body standing next to the workshop table, surrounded by colored paper, corrugated cardboard, cutters sharp, pointed scissors, strips of string and prints of goodies to be done.
I received his words with maternal educational greeting
- Chico What else?
- Good. &They want to answer ...
bizarre thing is to deprive the hands of a woman's body pleasure, mother of four times, grandmother of five and lover who longs to shine again beating.
If it was that until that moment that my eyes fell upon her, and stripped as a woman wanted.
Now we're lovers, the single generation: "The pleasure that comes in hot stills