that time to eat the entrails and viscera between them, and even the girls of Staff after asking a thousand and an apology and give explanations and swallow all the insults still not forgiven because a cloud of cheap Lolitas who love the show without even stopping to think that behind that screen, those nicks is a girl like her or me wasting your precious time dedicarnoslo our welfare and doing what they can to LIW. Perhaps it could have done better or maybe not, but all have made mistakes as anythe world and I want to be clear, CONTEST IS A FUCKING GOD you have to hit that X person has won dirty game plan in your daily life? NO, then you it is crushed and therefore is not forgiven? LIW has spoken ... I correct myself ... it has screamed and debris have been thrown into the faces of the girls of Staff clarified that after all the cards on the table and with heart in hand and have apologized. I feel a terrible shame .... a shame others who have ADVANTAGE impressive about the decline of this empire Lolita desemascararse and insulting to God, ADVANTAGE and tell who you fall ill it .... moron's ass that verwenza .... THAT VERWENZA if that's all I'm not part LIW
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Fathers Day Arabicsongs My turn
everything falls apart, they all kill, all masks are removed to become creatures unexpected rude leaving education where I left my Catholic Bible the last time I saw .... ADVANTAGE
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