Pairing / Characters: Dean / Sam, Sam / Ruby
Fandom: Supernatural
Raiting: NC-17
Warnings: Winchester. Spoiler 4x01.
Summary: Sam Dean is dead and has nowhere to go.
Note: not reality, not mine. It's all false. This is a continuation of Livin 'Hell or something. A Deni, who wants to Ruby though Katie is no longer! Ruby xD
Vacuumenter his arms crossed and walked slowly toward him. You're depressing.
Sam took another few steps and stumbled and stared hard.
- If only Dean could see you now ...
Sam stifled a grunt in the chest while Ruby pushed against the wall nearest the knife into his throat.
- What would you know your feelings of my dead brother? Barked while the blade touched against the skin, a light crackling, a groan and a trickle of blood rolling down the neckline of the demon. Who the hell do you think you are? "He spat angrily.
- Sam, "she moaned, her hands gripping the arm while Sam closed his eyes to feel the knife blade inup to the jugular. Ruby moaned on his ear and held him by the shoulders, digging her nails into his neck.
pushed her against the wall, kissing her furiously and clawing his hip. I wanted to smash it with your hands, make him pay for the fire that was eating. I wanted to dismember and make her suffer as much as he was suffering at that time.
He snatched the shirt as he led the motel to the table, pulling all the books and the lamp on the floor with one hand and sat on it. Let him remove his shirt while
whispered "All is well"
in her ear and kissed his shoulder. Got rid of his pants and hers, furiously undressing, pulling the clothes as he had started life when they takena your brother.
bit the delicate skin of the neck of the girl while she scratched his back and entered her with force, with fury. Ruby moaned with him while leaving the drive, and allowed to destroy.
Ruby was warm around him, a way to escape the emptiness I felt. It was sour on his tongue and it hurt so much to handle. Was fire and water when penetrated, earth and sky when biting his mouth in search of help. The shattered as she tore both him and could not help but feel that way.
closed his eyes at the time of coming, with the wail of Ruby in your ears and the taste of sulfur in the mouth, hands, throughout the body.
turned away from her breathing hard, letting him kisslips one last time, letting you take control when getting it out of orgasm slowly to death. Stepped back and turned before abir eyes.
- Sam Ruby groaned faintly, naked on the motel table, clinging with one hand.
- I'll take a shower, "sentenced him as he walked to the bathroom, ardiéndole tears in his eyes.
& & &
The water was cold. Still stung. Dean had been with him under the cold water, hot mouth on Sam's lips, his strong grip on her hair.
leaned against the shower wall with tears down their cheeks, barridas by drops of water. Felt the blood in his veins began to boil again, every cell of his body burned and fell to the floor with a plaintive cry on the lips.
embraced the memory of his brother again, as he tore his own skin with your nails and let everything out of himself dissolving into flames.
- I'm sorry, Dean sobbed while clutching the amulet from his brother in his right hand and everything around it burned. heard their cries and moans, the cries of all those souls imprisoned in hell. Saw the blood, fear etched in every one of his eyes. He saw hatred, revenge, misery and terror. Refeljado saw everything in the face of his brother. His chest explosiontó a million particles and a white light in his eyes made the world disappear.
Nothing remains of it.
& & &
awoke lying on the motel bed, dress.
- I took a little longer this time, so after having stayed for an hour and a half locked in the bathroom I decided it was time to make my entrance. Ruby
walked toward the bed, wearing only a shirt and underwear and sat beside her with a steaming cup in his hands. - Coffee? He asked as he approached the cup into his hands. Took noting how his hand shook and Ruby smiled. So I think this time it worked better. CHort of their motel room after four mesesde have been buried in the middle of nowhere. At his side was Bobby, but could not find any explanation by looking into his eyes. When she turned her gaze to Dean, he just laughed.
- Hello, Sammy his brother's voice froze him in place and her eyes widened with surprise. Dean walked a few steps, passing the door with his eyes fixed on him.
could not be true.
Sam took the knife from his jeans and threw himself against the creature. Should kill her, break her for daring to touch the image of his brother. The chest was burning and the hatred seething in his veins. I wanted the blood spread across the motel room. Bobby took him by the shoulders anddistanced him from the monster.
- Who are you?! Shouted fighting force Bobby.
- As if you had not done this?! "Snapped the reflection of Dean, his eyes shining with anger.
- Do what! He shouted. He burned his chest, looked all red. Needed to see blood splattered on the walls.
- is he! It's him, Sam! "Bobby growled in my ear" I went through this, he really is!
Sam stopped fighting for a second, opened his chest heat, a light of hope.
- But that ... ? - I know, "Dean said forward a few steps and felt like everything around them faded. I am cool, huh? He said with a smile that never reached theireyes.
gasp Sam looked at his brother's eyes. And I believed.
walked to Dean and hugged him. She clung to him as if life depended on it and he closed his eyes as he felt his brother's arms around it. Indeed he was. It was her grip, her nails digging into his back, his breath brushing against her neck and smell in the air. He gritted his teeth to avoid saying anything and just hugged him, telling him without words what she had not been said in the eternity in which he had not been at his side.
He separated from his brother to meet his eyes.
was back.
- So you two are ... Together? Ruby asked, playing the role of people.
- What? Sam cursed inside "No," she smiled. Damn demons and their occurrences ... based on real events. No. It's my brother. Dean
exchanged glances with Sam, then looked at Ruby with a nod. Sam read it.
"Who the hell are you?"
. Could not prevent a smile departed his lips.
- Ah, that's it, I said pretending not Ruby. Look, maybe I should go ...
- Yes, yes, "said Sam, Probalan is a good idea. Sorry.
looked at his brother and the way he looked at Ruby.
"See ya, bitch. Or maybe not."
smiled again as Ruby scurried to get his clothes.
Awhile later, Ruby would have dressed and escorted to the door, pretending it was just a girl. Sam just wanted you smell sulfur in the environment was not found. She would tell me to call. Sam would follow the current and despedise smile to her. "Sure, Kathy," I say to say the first name that came into his mind. She would face wet dog and corrected him saying "It Krissy" and Sam would look like an idiot thinking whether to kill her right then or wait until the next time you see. To end the drama just closed the door.
- So tell me, how much did it cost? Dean asked as he was sitting in bed.
- The girlTMLXC "Please say no, Sammy. You did, right?" Say no, Sam, say no. I was there, I did that and tell me no, Sam, please do not tell me because I die, Sam. Again I die.
When he comes to speak, through listening to Sam anger
broken voice - I did not want to save in this way.
- Dean, I wish I had done, okay?
- There is another way in which this has happened, "his brother did not believe him and then grabs the lapels of his shirt and yells in his face, now tell me the truth!
Sam is released from the grip of his brother and that's when you feel the stretch in the middle of the stomach, just below the navel a fire that spread through her belly and up to inundarland the throat.
- tried everything, that's the truth! I tried to open the gates of hell, hell, I tried to compromise, Dean, but accept no demon, okay?
felt the anger rise up his spine could not handle. He wanted to grab his brother, pushing against the wall, hurt, smash it. Just think of
and who sees everything red and destrozarmatarasesinarmutilar
. Kiss him until his teeth understand the truth of what happened, that's what you want.
- You were rotting in hell ... for months ... Months! I could not stop it.
And then he says, and suddenly he is naked. There is nothing left of Sam more than his piece of shattered soulZada against his brother, his eyes stinging. He gritted his teeth and look away from the Dean. Was broken. Something in him had changed and everything had started the day that Dean stopped breathing.
- sorry it was not me, okay? "When their eyes met those of his brother all his suffering he saw reflected in them. Could see the pain of a tortured soul. I saw it in the flesh, right where she learned to read at his brother and the fear in his eyes. Dean hurt him where no one had ever hurt. In every inch of skin, every muscle, every particle of his being.
- Dean, sorry, let her voice be taken without meeting his eyes.
- Okay, Sammy, "he answered as acaress. Warm honey down his back. A touch of disembodied lips. No need to apologize, I think.
awkwardly nodded as he let the voice of Dean slip through your skin.
& & &
- Hey wait, you might want this back.
When Dean picked up the collar of the neck felt cold. The heat of the charm that leaves you but Dean is there, Dean can fix it. Dean is his older brother, Dean always fixes everything.
- Thanks.
- Do not mention it. pauses and eventually let him slip through our fingers. The question escaped her lips almost inconcientementDean let it guide you, walk backwards until your calves are facing the bed and sat down on it with his legs apart, his brother kneeling in the gap that remains between them.
Dean has a frown and clenched jaw. Sighs his name on every touch of mouths and scratch your skin when you take your clothes off. Growls over his chest as she kisses him and scratches his hip bones. Violently opens his pants to get the erection of Sam and put it in your mouth without ado. Sam growls
throwing her head back, fingers tangled in the hair of Dean.
- Dean, no, "he snapped as he pulled her hair.
- Shut up Sammy, "she whispers as she strokes and licks the tip. Today I eeyes on Dean's hand on his erection. Begins to drop a hand to touch too, but Dean raises an eyebrow and Sam understood.
"Do not you dare touch you, Sammy, do not come until I say so."
The biggest laughs and walks back, open and close your hand inside the underwear.
- Open, Sammy, going by the lubricant.
Sam groan at the words that are nothing more than promises of his brother's going to be fucked like never before in his life. She licks her lips as she opens her legs bent, set out to Dean and lets you choose. After reviewing in his backpack, Dean looks up and smiles at the sight of Sam, mouth half open and accelerated pulse.
ue not be touched, you should do as Dean ordered.
stared at Dean while moving the hips with your fingers and keeps the mouth open, tongue poking and yelling at her.
"I'm ready, Dean, come and get me." Dean
reads. Sam note as the fire is lit when the green eyes of his brother is nonexistent with dilated pupils and Dean is also ready.
rose so abruptly that the chair you sat back and Dean falls do not undress, but that goes to bed down their pants just to get his penis lies on Sam.
- You better be ready, bitch, "growled while bitingthe skin of his neck.
I roll over and let the cheek tight against the sheets and the back up and pressed his hands back on eto while her buttocks and when the tip member Dean approaches the entrance, and asks Sam groans because he knows that that's what you should do. Dean assails
strong against him, it opens with the burning flesh and Scottish Sam inside, where only painful memories and Dean burn in it, skin to skin. Leave fire roads on its way and burn any life outside your body. Dean yells skin against his, and his brother whispered that if everything was fine, no matter how trite and wrong is, that there was nothing more true than these two. Together. The same blood running through his veins and two corEASONS beating the same rhythm.
It is strong, sticky stains on the sheets clean and Dean with him, he continues. Loud groans and breaks the silence with a happy bark, liberating laughter. The dead weight of his brother fall to his side, not erased the smile from her lips and Dean is
live with him.
your mouth is about without fear and kisses, too soft for them both, but he understands and Dean leaves Sam accepts the caress that left on their language and understands the promise to ignite the sky if the re- separated. Let your heart rate down while breathing deeply into Sam's mouth and lay there until his brother was sleeping.
Le cap with clean sheets and upsets your hair
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