- Okay. glad Dean laughed and dropped his shirt as he settled in the car.
- That's my boy, "cried low, so only you hear Sam and winked. "I will return," then added, imitating the voice of the Terminator, who had rented the movie last week, when his father was to take up the demon in Oklahoma.
Sammy Dean laughed and smiled, settling her hair and waved as the car away and then entered the motel room, shut the door locks, and seal it with salt. So now he andinding alone. were gone for five hours and Sam had no news of them. Shouted the second-second clock and the times were still running. Listen slow steps that come from outside and his eyes moved to the door and change the position of the knife in his hand, ready to attack if necessary. Listen to the movement of the door handle and makes the book down almost in slow motion choreography. Upload a mattress standing, bending the knee and the muscles and frowns when the door starts to open slowly.
And he is about to jump hears a cry of pain and if you know too well.
- Dean says without emotion and his blood is the body because when he sees his brother in St. spitting were different. Instead, then looks down and notices.
Dean takes his shirt closed. Dean never takes his shirt closed. Lower your hand and runs her brother's ignoring his "Take off, shorty, it's nothing" and stretch the fabric to see it up close. Is stained with blood and fresh.
- Drama Queen, "he tells Sam once again be above you and settles for the smallest cuts can see the best light. Sam
curve back on the breast of his brother and goes to see the wounds. I made hydrogen peroxide and gently blows up while Dean squirms beneath him. When Sam plays the wounds with cotton soaked in alcohol, Dean closes his eyes, holds the right thigh of Sam and gasps. He pressed so hard that it hurts and Samignored and clean again. Is incorporated only slightly to look at the light, the needle and thread up, try to thread with patience and when it does, look at his brother's eyes.
- Ready? Dean nods, holds the air and let out a groan.
- Quaff. Sam leans again and passes the flesh of Dean with the needle. Dean groans beneath him and a fist in his Jeans.
- Shit, Sammy, you're going to kill me. Bajt
Laughs and begins to sew. Point to Point Dean shudders and groans and curses and Sam does not know why no one cares. Feel the tickle in your lower back and her cheeks take color and the only thing God asks is that Dean does not see. His hermanus eyes closed and only let out inconsistencies in the lips.
- Hostiacoñojoder
, Sammy, putamadre , mierdahijaputacoñoJODER
making, Sam whispers
"Sorry" , but I really do not believe God will listen.
is 15 years old and sits on a wall at the exit of the school. Looking at his watch while swinging a leg in the air like playing and watching the world go by.
A girl blond curls and blue eyes-Loose with the voice of fact, still looking the waiter in the eye.
The guy leans over the table to read and groans rising.
- Next.
When the waiter walks away Dean lets out a soft laugh.
- That's my boy! He exclaims as he gave a loving strokes on her shoulder and her hair scrambles and Sam just smiles and says he does not mind.
are taking and are talking trivialities until Sam begins to lose track of the beers and their eyes become small. Dean is lying on his chair with a bottle in his hand and looks at a girl standing at the bar. Her hair is disheveled and drops of sweat glisten on your neck. Lab licksios and leaves the mouth open, extending the language to get the bottle and the inclination to drink. Sam did not take his eyes off the throat and see how it works.
Swallow hard and looks away, sets it on the first thing is that is not your brother and the thing turns out to be a guy about 20 years near the bathroom door.
The boy is smoking a cigarette and her hair falls over his eyes. He wears a short shirt that reveals a little skin of her stomach along with the line of underwear and the waist of the jeans. Sam let his eyes fall on the hips of the man until it detects and follows his gaze. The average smiles and licks his lips and imitates him Sam. Called with a nod but Sam just released a rior brother.
- Look, it's not like going to fo-
- Sammy, your future depends on his not-release finish that sentence Dean lifting a finger in your direction and leaves it almost frightened voice.
- Do not be stupid, Dean! Not a big deal. I look at them as much as I look at girls.
And Dean's face is a poem because you can not finish if you want to know if indeed slay or are taking the statement as something different. And then orders a bottle of whiskey and placed it between his brother and while a little closer and lowers his voice, whispering so no one will hear. Take the first step and when you return to stare at Sam tells him to take his without question.
- Whyce when Dean gets up and orders.
- Grab your coat, we go.
& & &
arrive at the motel and Dean closes the door behind him, grabs Sam by the collar of his shirt and slammed the door at gunpoint.
- What are you? He asks as he presses against the door and Sam can not help the laughter that comes out of his chest. Dean shakes him from his shirt and slammed back the door, making strong and stick his head hard against the glass.
- Auch.
- What are you?!
- Do not be stupid, Dean! Am I right? Mom was killed by a Derveni when I was six monthsthe November 2, 1983, you took me out of the burning house. I was born on May 2, '83, your on 24 January '79. At Christmas of '90 told me the truth about Dad and a week later gave me my first silver knife and taught me to shoot with an old revolver that Dad left forgotten, happy?
Dean released a little grip, but the next second pulled a flask from his jacket pocket and threw the contents over to Sam.
- God, I am not a demon, you idiot! I'm not going to burn!
He pushed her shoulders and back Dean dropping the gun and the clip, sprinkling holy water on the floor.
- What are ... She whispered staring at his brother and Sam was drunk and wet
Sam is 18 and is sitting on the porch steps of the room, shaking hands nervously. Listen to the noise of the car and looks up to see his brother off the engine, loving pats him on the side of the door and out of the car. watches him walk to his trunk and remove a small conservative. Walks over and sits beside him, handing him a bottle of beer. Sam is watching when he grabs her, but Dean just look forward while carrying the bottle to his mouth.
- You're a fool-sentence without looking and drink again.
Sam lets out a laugh that is more air than sound and looks down at his feet. - Why wanting to go to college, Dean? CHTMLX C - For telling me, "I cut, and then look in the eyes DIRECO. Sam
reads like a book and sees him dead inside. Left alone, abandoned, because his father is a separate point in the life of the two. It has always been just Sam and Dean, Dean and Sam and Dean taught him to be brothers as John taught to be warriors. Sam is part of the soul to pieces to think that leaving the route also will leave a piece of yourself on the road and his life is not going to be more than a lie. Sam understands and hurts him too, but can not.
- You're a selfish jerk and you're happy with that. Sam
sad smiles and nods and Dean responds with a bruised shoulder and ruffling his hair.
- Dad will enocome to life when the recounts Dean and Sam is eleven years old again, the first time I grabbed the shotgun loaded with salt and legs were shaking so much that the fire fell to the floor. Remember the first night a machete and killed a vampire when he was about to bite Dean. Was bathed in blood and vomit out to breakfast the day before, remember it because Dean was holding the front while John burned the remains of the house.
Dean poses a hand on his knee and ends to hide the sun. It burns the skin against the memory of the brother who has not yet lost, but no longer going to be. Dean's smile glows in the dark Sam smiles at him. Want to tell you that you will miss it, you want to continue
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